Monday, August 12, 2013

SPICE Announces Gowns and Gloves Challenge Winner

Ever wonder what YOU can do help stop the spread of serious illness due to bad bugs like Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria? SPICE is creating four educational modules on infection prevention designed for all nursing home staff. The first two modules have been completed and distributed.To assist in motivating and engaging  employees to complete the modules, SPICE established the Gowns and Gloves Infection Prevention Challenge. 

Gowns and Gloves is the name of the nursing home soap opera that is embedded in the first two learning modules. The embedded video is an entertaining way to convey important information, and  the soap opera episodes with professional actors engage viewers and create some buzz about the modules.  

The objective of the Gowns and Gloves Challenge was to maximize the number of nursing home employees that complete  Modules 1 and 2 of the Enhanced Education of Infection Prevention in Nursing Homes program. Participating nursing homes had from March through July to get as many employees to view the modules as possible, with the winning nursing home to receive a party with cake and balloons!

Congratulations to our Gowns and Gloves Challenge Winner:
(drum roll, please!)
Wilkes Senior Village, North Wilkesboro, NC
121 completed modules; 90% of employees!!

Wilkes Senior Village

Warren Hills Nursing Center, Warrenton, NC: 90 completed modules; 69% of employees
Mountain Vista Health Park, Denton, NC: 66 completed modules; 49% of employees
Carol Woods, Chapel Hill, NC: 163 completed modules; 49% of employees

Nursing Homes registered for the Gowns and Gloves Challenge: 72
Nursing Homes with 25 or more people completing a module: 13
Total modules completed to date: 985 !!


For more information on Enhanced Education of Infection Prevention in Nursing Homes: