Sunday, March 31, 2013

Tips and Tricks for Navigating NHSN Group Rights ... Again and Again

by Cindi Snider, Ph.D.
Already enrolled in the NC DPH user group (User ID: 15728)? Great! Never have to deal with granting data access rights again? Not quite… Although the following discussion will focus on the NC DPH user group, keep in mind that it applies to other user groups as well.

Once a member of the NC DPH user group, your hospital will be periodically asked to re-confer data access rights. Why? When reporting requirements change, NC DPH’s access to hospital data will need to change. For example, NC DPH only had access to hospital data for CLABSI and CAUTI (in ICUs) as well as SSI (post abdominal hysterectomy and colon surgery) for 2012. In preparation for the new LabID MRSA bacteremia and C. difficile reporting in January 2013, rights had to be re-conferred in fall 2012. NC DPH led changes to data access rights results in NHSN notices in the “Alerts” page.
But that is not the only type of change that affects NC DPH’s access to hospital data. A common change is when hospitals add or remove reporting units or wards in NHSN for CLABSI and CAUTI. These types of changes do not lead to alerts or notifications sent to NC DPH. NC DPH only becomes aware of these changes when the monthly reconciliation report contains missing data for the unit or ward. Cue the ominous music…

How can we avoid missing data? Well, data are not missing in NHSN; NC DPH does not have access to the unit or ward data. This is because when a unit or ward is added, NHSN does not automatically grant user groups like NC DPH rights to the data. This is a manual step that hospitals have to perform.
What should a hospital do when it adds a unit for reporting or stops reporting from a unit?
1.    When reporting stops for a unit or ward: the unit or ward should be changed from “active” to “inactive” in the locations set up in NHSN.
2.    When reporting begins for a unit or ward: NC DPH needs hospitals to confer data access rights for the new reporting unit and ward in NHSN.
a.    Log into NHSN. At the “NHSN Patient Safety Component Home Page”, go to the blue bar to the left and click Group->Confer Rights.
b.    Click on the NC Division of Public Health (User ID: 15728). Make sure it is highlighted in blue. Click on the gray “confer rights” button to the right and click “OK” when the pop up screen appears.

c.    Once at the “Confer Rights-Patient Safety” page, go to the section titled “Infections and other Events (Not specific to MDRO/CDI)”. Find the correct event using the “Other Locations Requirement” box in this section. This box includes a label that helps differentiate rights between short-term acute care hospitals (ACHs), long-term acute care hospitals (LTACs) versus inpatient rehabilitation facilities (IRFs).
d.    Once the correct event has been identified, make sure the check box to the far left under “N/A” is unchecked. If it is checked, the interpretation is that data for this event (e.g. CLABSI) is not to be shared with NC DPH. Therefore ensuring this box is unchecked is critical to sharing data with NC DPH.
e.    Click on the box under “Your Locations”. The new reporting location should be listed in the drop down. Check the box to the left of the new reporting unit or ward. Checking the box informs NHSN that data from this location are to be shared with NC DPH.
f.    Repeat steps d-e for all events to be shared with NC DPH; CLABSI and CAUTI data should be shared unless it is a new reporting NICU (CLABSI only).
g.    Once all necessary changes have been made, scroll to the bottom and click “Accept”.
3.    Finally, email NC DPH at detailing which unit or ward will start or stop reporting. This will ensure future monthly reconciliation reports are not flagged as missing data. If reporting for a new unit or ward will begin, make sure to include in the email that data access rights to the unit or ward have been conferred to NC DPH. If you would like NC DPH’s assistance in conferring rights to the unit or ward, simply request for assistance in the email and a team member will contact you.
That’s it! Now your hospital has successfully granted data access rights to a new reporting unit or ward to NC DPH. Please remember these steps should also be completed for other user groups that your hospital is a member.  Questions? Email and let us know how we can help.
And don’t forget – only you can change your hospital’s data in NHSN; NC DPH can access the data.